Philip Chua
1 min readJan 4, 2022


Good People Do Bad Things Too

“The measure of a person’s disposition is this: how far is he from what he understands to what he does, how great is the distance between his understanding and his actions.” — Søren Kierkegaard

I’ve always felt that there was a difference between knowing what the right thing is versus actually doing it. I found that the concepts I struggled the most to implement within my actions were the ones that required more thought and practice to truly understand the reasoning behind the righteousness. Often, we know that an action is wrong, but we continue to do it because we don’t understand that it’s wrong. We were just told that it is. There were many times where I felt like a terrible human being for doing things I knew were wrong but proceeded to do so anyway. But it’s okay, and I’m not a shitty person. I’ve come to realize that it takes work to become a better human being and that forgiveness towards oneself is necessary for growth. People who do bad things are not bad people. They’re just people. People who choose not to learn from their mistakes and move forward become bad people.

